The sun still shines its light, the mountains still towering in strength and the beauty still bleeds from the earth
It’s as if the world doesn’t know the nature of man that it protects
It doesn’t know that it is inhabited by the evil of this world
It didn’t know that men took the beauty that once illuminated from her
The mountains couldn’t see the dark of the valley where she was taken
The earth misunderstood her screams as the wind and the sun was too far to hear her prayers
Although she knew some days the world knew as it shouted it’s rage of the injustices of the world
It shook with the innocence lost not just to her but millions
It flooded with its tears for the oppression across its lands
It exploded with the desperation to purge the pain that has spread
She now understands that the beauty was taken from many and the earth understood her rage and emptiness.
It tirelessly tried to show its beauty and give her some as well
On days that were too hard to stand it flooded her room with light
On days too hard to forget it gave her a strom to remind her that she didn’t grief alone
She knew then that she would no longer fear the darkness but became the light in hope to refill the beauty to others
To the women, I have failed,
I hope you know you still have a canvas.
And you still have paint on your canvas.
And what we often forget,
Paint makes art.
You and I are art.
We are covered in scars, burns, and cuts
But they all make art.
The paint we are covered in
We can use it.
I will use it.
I will use the paint to cover the injustice we have endured.
I will use the paint to make sure our daughters will never fight for their right
To be heard.
I will use this paint to give, read, create, inspire, enjoy,
And love.
Oh, the love I will give the women I have failed.
I will splatter and throw this paint on the 14-year-old girl
Who thought the paint was a mess needing to be cleaned.
But never was.
It was a gift.
A gift so the women I have failed
Can see that Pain just needs one more letter
To become
(Verses of the Elder Nuns)